Meet Rocco...
"The continuum of a lifetime spent in pursuit of creative artistry..."
Rocco's career journey began some 50+ years ago as a professional audio engineer (live, studio, contractor & business owner), complimented by other related endeavors including musician (keyboards & synthesizers), recording artist & producer, entrepreneur/inventor, digital graphic design & marketing, as well as aspiring amateur chef. And
as of 2015, he added Real Estate Photographer to his formidable repertoire.
"I strive with every photo to create a magazine grade finished product that transports you into the feeling of being there..."
Rocco's expertise with photography hardware, UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or 'Drones'), Photoshop and HDR software has enabled him to produce brilliant results that has translated to millions of dollars in agent sales as an integral part of real estate listing and marketing packages.